Tuesday, December 11, 2012

9.12.2012 Iris at the Winner 2012

It was again the time of the year when you cannot miss out on the biggest and baddest dog show on the planet - Winner 2012 show - in Helsinki!!!

I had entered both Iris and Brutus to the show, but due to a minor accident Brutus wasn't able to attend. When you cannot move to your full potential, it is better to stay at home and rest :).

So on Saturday I visited the Helsinki Winner 2012 to meet up with new friends and see wonderful iggies!!!! It was great to meet Lucien from Fiefoerniek´s Italian greyhounds and Whippets. Lucien´s and Sandra´s italian greyhounds were just a dream to watch!

Also I had a pleasure to surprise Anna and her son Niko and Mano at the ringside. Mano was entered in Junior Class and he got an Excellent and was placed 4th in the competition class. Well done!!!

But back to Winner 2012 on Sunday. It was almost surreal to be at a show with just one dog. Iris performed in general really well and I was pleased with her drive in the ring. The only thing that she wasn't really pleased about was showing her teeth to the judge. She was (as the judge said) on a very stubborn mood that day :D. But she did get an Excellent which we are very happy about.

"17-months old bitch of excellent type and with beautiful lines. Good body and upper line. 
Balanced presence. Moves well. In a bit stubborn mood today"

Here are a few pics from the shows.

Me and Iris (Photo by: Sara Siponmaa)

Iris on the table (Photo by: Antti Ruotsalo)

Mano posing (Manoush Nomi Sunrider, Photo by: Manoush Whippets)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

21.10.2012 "Mei" Manoush Padmé Amidala 3rd in LC-competition

Had some wonderful news about Mei and her family in Berlin. She participated in her first lure-coursing competition in Germany and was placed 3rd with top points (being the youngest dog of all breeds). Super congratulations to Mei, Mira and Janne for their success!!!! Super proud!!!!

Here is Mei with her first rosette!!!

21.10.2012 Manoush Darth Tyranus new Estonian Junior Champion!!!

Had a super interesting weekend in Rakvere, Estonia with our little boys Brutus. Since last summer he had been missing just one Junior CC in order to qualify for an Estonian Junior Champion title. I was half thinking that maybe I would just leave it to 2 Jun CCs and forget about traveling to Estonia one more time this year, but in the end I decided that I should make an effort and go there. I mean no harm in trying right! And I am super happy that we did. Our judge was Cristian Stefanescu from Romania and he gave Brutus and EXC-1 on Junior Class and placed him as Best Male -2 as well. Brutus got a wonderful critique as well "Elegant general appearance, excellent excellent head, beautiful neck, normal topline, well developed chest, good muscles, strong croup, good tail, very good presented, very good condition". So we are super pleased with that.

We were supposed to take part in BIS junior competitions but it has been hard and tiresome past two weeks at work, so I decided to skip it this time (and the show next day) and head home. We already got what we came there for and I thought it would be nice to sleep in my own bed this time :D

Here is a few pictures of Brutus in his "thoughts" in our hotel bed (just about to leave for the show). He is such a lovely young male. Just had his 16-month birthday with his sister and I seriously could not be more pleased with them both (and generally our first litter). Brutus is now officially (waiting for confirmation) Est JCh, TLN W´12, & TLN JW´12 Manoush Darth Tyranus. I cannot wait for our adventures next year!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

30.9.2012 Some up-dates and pics

It has been a while since I up-dated out blog. Facebook seems to be so much faster way to get "new" broadcasted, but this is I guess a smarter way as I am not FB friends with everyone :D.

Anyway, quite a bit has happened since July. Mei (Manoush Padmé Amidala) moved to Berlin with her family and already attended her first show in Open Class with EXC. She also continued her coursing training over the summer and I am sure Janne and Mira will keep up with her training and showing in the future as well. She has already her lure-coursing licence and she was officially measured  46cm tall.

Mano (Manoush Nomi Sunrider) from Orimattila also showed a lot of promise in coursing training (very enthusiastic young guy!) and he has taken part in a few shows with very nice placements EXC-1 and EXC-2 with CQ.

Pilkku (Manoush Sy Snootles) and his owners we met up with in Hyvinkää sighthound course about a week ago where he ran coursing track. Looking very promising as well and he has his lure-coursing licence ready as well. Officially measured 49.7cm tall. He was very enthusiastic after the lure and killed it many times in the end, so we are of course very pleased about that as well :D.

Our kids at home (Iris, Manoush Deliah Blue and Brutus, Manoush Darth Tyranus) have been training coursing and track racing. They both have their lure-coursing licences ready for next year. They both leave from the box wearing a muzzle without a problem so I am hoping that next spring we will aim for track racing licence and of course also take part in coursing competitions as well.

In general, summer was wonderful time with dogs and I am very very pleased for everyone´s progress. I am keeping my fingers crossed that next year we have some fresh results to admire from both shows and coursing :D

Here are some pics of the kids from this autumn.

"Brutus" TLN JW-12 & TLN W-12 Manoush Darth Tyranus

"Iris" Est JCh, TLN JW-12 Manoush Deliah Blue

"Pilkku" Manoush Sy Snootles

"Brutus" TLN JW-12 & TLN W-12 Manoush Darth Tyranus

"Iris" Est JCh, TLN JW-12 Manoush Deliah Blue

Saturday, July 21, 2012

21.7.2012 Mano at Mäntsälä dog show

I just got some great news from Anna who owns Mano (Manoush Nomi Sunrider). They were at the Mäntsälä National dog show (whippets judged by Elina Haapaniemi) today where Mano (being at his first show) did really great and was awarded Excellent-1 in Junior Class!!!! Well done Mano and Anna!!!! Our warmest congratulations!!!

21.7.2012 New pics from Luige

All the photos you find online :D
Here is again Iris BIG-4

Thursday, July 12, 2012

7.-8.7.2012 Luige National Shows in Harjumaa

We had a very successful weekend in Estonia again. I took Brutus (TLN W´12 & TLN JW´12 Manoush Darth Tyranus) and his sister Iris (TLN JW´12 Manoush Deliah Blue) to Luige for a few national dogs shows. We had Suski & Marja and their salukis with us as well.

On Saturday kids really hit the jackpot. Brutus was Exc-1 (Junior Class), Jun-CC, BOSJ, BM-1 and eventually BOS. Iris was Exc-1 (Junior Class), Jun-CC, BOBJ, BB-1 and BOB!!!! Iris then continued to Group ring where she was placed Best in Group-2!!!!! Judge: Milivoje Urosevic, Serbia.

On Sunday kids did really well again. Brutus was this time Exc-2 and BM-2 and Iris was again Exc-1, Jun-CC, BOBJ, BB-1 and BOB!!! And repeated again her success at the Group ring being placed 2nd there again!!!!!!!! Iris is now a new Estonian Junior Champion (to be confirmed)!!!!!!!! Judge: Valentina Ivanischeva (RU).

Sunday, July 1, 2012

1.7.2012 Puppy Meeting in Helsinki

We had the best time ever today!!! We had our first Manoush Puppy Meeting today in Helsinki!!!
We tried our some lure-coursing (hand-operated), track racing (machine bunny) and took some new pictures of everyone. We would like to thank all the owners for taking the time to come and see us. 
I am sure Tara also loved to see her kids :D

"Mano" Nomi Sunrider

"Manu" Manoush Dexter Jettster

"Mei" Manoush Deliah Blue

"Pilkku" Manoush Sy Snootles

"Brutus" TLN JW´12 & TLN W´12 Manoush Darth Tyranus

"Iris" TLN JW´12 Manoush Deliah Blue

Mother of the kids Fin & Est Ch, Est Jun Ch, Est JW´10
Butterfly for Manoush iz Volzhskoy Serenady

1.7.2012 Puppy lure-coursing practices - "Mei" Manoush Padmé Amidala

1.7.2012 Puppy lure-coursing practices - "Manu" Manoush Dexter Jettster

1.7.2012 Puppy lure-coursing practices - "Mano" Manoush Nomi Sunrider

Saturday, June 16, 2012

14.6.2012 Pic from Puppy lc - and track- training!!

Brutus and Iris excited about the passing lure :D

Brutus being very eager to go!!

Iris had a perfect start from the box.

Iris with her Super Nanny!!

Also a few pics of Iris at the lure-coursing track.

Mano´s turn.

Mano (Manoush Nomi Sunrider) and owner Anna. Ready - Set - GO!!!

Ready to head home after a perfect run!!!