Saturday, October 9, 2010

10.10.2010 Eppu's son Satangin A La Armani wins CAC at track!

We are very proud to let you know that Reino, our Eppu's son has received his second CAC at the Helsinki Sighthound track at Team Race competition. He ran 280m with time 19,15 sec!!! Now Reino has one CAC from lure-coursing and one CAC from track. I have to mention that Reino has been twice very very close to receiving two more CACs from lure-coursing. He was once second in his class (his first race) and once he got the same points as the dog who came in third, but instead of placing them both on the 3rd place, the judges decided to put Reino as 4th..

Reino has done superbly on his first season in racing and we cannot wait to see how well he does next year. He is such a lovely dog with wonderful temperament and we are very glad that he is doing so well in Nelli's care :D. Huge congratulations to both of you as well as the breeders Merike & Tatjana!